More absorption of water and nutrients for better plant survival with the NHDelta range

Root fulfills several functions like absorption of water and nutrients, anchorage to the soil and symbiotic interactions with soil microorganisms and is a vital structure for plant growth and development. Of particular importance is the role of secondary hairs in plant function and survival, by facilitating a efficient absorption of water and nutrients.

Unlike primary hairs, present on radicles or embryonic roots, secondary hairs form after initial root growth, continually renewing themselves as new roots develop.

An important aid for secondary hair production is provided by the proper application of technologies such as range NHDelta, which multiplies these through moderation of auxin production and promotion of cytokinins. Its use ensures continuous root growth, thanks to the fact that this technology stabilizes nitrogen in the amide form, increasing energy efficiency in nitrogen uptake and protein conversion, so that plants absorb the right proportion of nitrogen. optimum quality and performance.

Through the application from NHDeltaSecondary hairs increase the contact surface of the roots with the soil, which allows for more efficient absorption water. In addition, this surface increase makes it possible to maximize the uptake of minerals from the soil such as nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium, which are necessary for healthy plant development. These secondary hairs also play an important role in the symbiotic interactions between plants and soil microorganisms.

“Understanding the secondary importance of hair helps us appreciate the complexity and wonder of technology. NHDelta which we put in the hands of farmers to maximize yields and maintain a healthy plant structure”, explained the manager Ecoculture, Angel Ruiz Sernawho recall that this technology was instrumental in breaking the Guinness records for wheat production, with 18 t/ha, and barley, with over 16 years/ha, both in the UK.

Roderick Gilbert

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