As artificial intelligence advances, instead of being afraid of losing what we might have, it’s a good idea to ask yourself where human skills will continue to be relevantthat is, where we will derive the greatest difference from the fact of being human.
Contrary to the idea that AI came to take away space, jobs and even relationships, We can take advantage of this moment of change to think about what will bring us more value. “Being” versus “appearing” is perhaps, in some ways, the most important difference in terms of what we want to do with our human use of time. In this paradigm, artificial intelligence will not replace men or women, but give them more value because of their ability to feel and be moved.
There are some areas where creativity, empathy and human judgment remain irreplaceable today. We may have lost the battle in information generation but not in human relations. We already know that artificial intelligence gets into language but has yet to sneak its way into emotion and consciousness. And when you do, the very fact of trying will add more value to people and human relationships, precisely because they are humans and not machines. This will cement the arrival of a new era – one we are already living in but which still seems new – in which emotions and feelings are and will make the difference.
Facing this technological revolution from such a perspective allows us to look at AI in a different light, removing it from “a tool that can replace humanity”. While making progress in many areas, at the same time it will improve human relations and put contacts on a pedestal, as a new added value in the future. Within organizations, this will be reflected in new leadership needs: a combination of skills such as persuasive communication, emotional intelligence, ethics, responsibility, and motivating abilities..
While AI will be able to replace humans in many of its capabilities or functions, the trend suggests that it will not be able to do so in its interactions. However perfect technology is – even within the organizations that create and promote it – the wealth of human exchange is irreplaceable.
Artificial intelligence is a very powerful new technological tool. As ChatGPT itself says in its definition, AI allows us to enhance human capabilities. Today, more than ever, this new scenario should allow us to appreciate what comes most naturally to us: our ability to work in teams, communicate, and solve problems through diverse thinking. We are just in time not to give up on the machine. We are in time to empower ourselves as human beings.
*This column was written by Oscar Bercovich, businessman and entrepreneur. He has a degree in Economics from the National University of Tucumán, a Masters in Public Administration from Columbia University New York (USA) and another from the London School of Economic and Political Sciences (LSE – United Kingdom). Apart from being CEO of Uniber, founder of Metrocbico and Managing Partner of Explorer Latam; He is also a professor of Social Evaluation of Investment Projects at the Faculty of Economics at the National University of Tucumán and a mentor and tutor for new businesses.
“Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert.”