Latest news about the war in Ukraine

Two German psychology professors have brought with them colleagues from about 20 countries, including Norway, to write an open letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin in which they warn of the consequences of war, not least for Putin himself. Photo: Mikhail Klimentjev / Sputnik / Kremlin / AP / NTB

Psychologists from about 20 countries have written an open letter to President Vladimir Putin to highlight the consequences of the war in Ukraine.

“We are contacting you to share our academic and practical knowledge with you about the consequences for the originator of starting a war, and to provide a glimpse of the possible way out of such a dangerous situation.”

How to start? patent signed by nearly 40 psychologists, including from Norway. Psychologists went on to write that they wanted to inform him of the negative consequences of his actions.

Behind the initiative are two German social psychologists Rolf van Dick at the University of Frankfurt and Ulrich Wagner at the University of Marburg.

They have brought with them counterparts from the United States, Poland, South Africa, India and Pakistan, among others.

– Isolation

Referring to the professional literature, they describe in detail the process by which the war in Ukraine began. Ultimately, all of this will lead to “denial, isolation, and physical threats” to the politicians held responsible, they wrote.

According to the senders, people on both sides of the conflict are experiencing “national isolation”, which in the long run will create a desire for change. The economic crisis creates a sense of loss, which is often the basis for “resistance, protest and revolution against the existing state”.

Signal to Ukraine

“This effect applies to both the common man and the elite,” they added.

Professor Rolf van Dick was still unsure whether the letter would reach Putin, but he didn’t rule it out. The letter was posted on a web portal where Russian citizens can also write to Putin.

According to the professor, psychologists also want to reach critical opposition in Russia and send a signal to Ukraine.

Henrietta Fairbank

"Amateur analyst. Zombie geek. Hardcore troublemaker. Internet expert. Incurable twitter fanatic."

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