Radar on TDF: Dachary stated that “there is not even a formal resolution against the initiative”

The provincial secretary of Malvinas and International Affairs, Andrés Dachary, confirmed that “agreed the construction of the radar at Tolhuin does not have a single unfavorable opinion” by various organizations that formally intervene in the authorization,” and I tucked them in conflicting opinions are given outside of established procedures.

“What is institutionally approved by national organizations is analysed. In November last year, the Vice Secretariat of Transportation The Nation’s Chief of Staff gave urgent authorization for the project, because he understands that it falls within the current regulatory framework. This resolution provides for the possibility of repeal, therefore it is not final,” he explained in an interview with Radio Nacional Río Grande.

In this sense, the official shows that both The Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United States Embassy conducted a promotional event from this project.

It is understood that it is an achievement in foreign policy to access investmentbecause it is a strategic sector related to the use of technology in this kind of program,” explained Dachary.

Moreover, he stated that the conflict “is at the level of opinion, because some media outlets claim that radar can be used for purposes other than those it is intended for“, and mentions the opinion note (published on Infobae) by the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces, General Juan Martín Paleo, “wasted project”.

Finally, Dachary admits that “Provincial political issues revolved around the constitution of company shares Leo Labs Argentina”.

“As long as this whole situation is resolved and since all national organizations have given their consent, We will demand that the corporate part of the UK company be removed”, he guarantees.

Elena Eland

"Web specialist. Incurable twitteraholic. Explorer. Organizer. Internet nerd. Avid student."

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