The “Seven Eleven” method that helps you fall asleep

Sleep problems affect many people. A common disease that many people face is that they cannot sleep.

A new survey shows that every fifth Norwegian feels very tired in daily life, and more than 300,000 struggle to stick to old routines around sleep, after society returns to normal to a greater extent.

Sleep is very important for our overall health. Balanced sleep helps us stay healthy, have energy throughout the day, and we feel good when we feel our body has had enough sleep. On the other hand, lack of sleep can lead to anxiety, depression, poorer health, and low energy levels.

If you’re one of those people who lie and squirm for hours before bedtime finally comes, then you’ve probably tried lots of different old lady advice. Some swear by hot milk, others drink chamomile. There are a number of documented and undocumented suggestions.

Breathing techniques are something that helps a lot of people. The “Seven Eleven” method is one of several breathing techniques that will help calm yourself down.

– If our breath is short, and high in the chest, it is also a signal to the brain that we should be alert. As a result, the whole body becomes tense, the senses are alert so that we can react as quickly as possible. Result: Zero sleep. On the other hand, when we take a deep, calm breath, the brain interprets it as if everything is under control, there is no danger lurking. Result: Sleep becomes faster and easier, cognitive therapist Stine Marie Ferd at Aleris told VG.

To complete the Seven Eleven technique:

  1. Take deep breaths as you slowly count up from 1 to 7
  2. Hold your breath for a moment at 7
  3. Exhale slowly and calmly again while counting from 1 onwards to 11. When you reach 11, you will feel that your stomach is completely empty of air.

Sheila Vega

"Social media guru. Total beer fanatic. Tv ninja. Typical coffee fan. Amateur entrepreneur. Unapologetic food scholar."

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