Woman leaves camera in her crib and is terrified by what she’s recording

A should “paranormal events” has caused controversy on social networks and a mother confirmed that her baby “attacked” by a ghost as he sleeps in his crib.

According to digital media, the event was recorded in England, the woman decided to leave the security camera in her crib, a little over 2 years old, to be a concern at night.

“He doesn’t have the coordination to do that. Also, look at his feet, he’s not pushing, he’s confused. This has never happened before and I see him sleeping every day. That’s weird,” said the little girl’s mother, very worried.

The woman reassured that her daughter had autism and that her development was slow, compared to other children. The video was shared via a TikTok account, which has been watched hundreds of times and controversial reaction, from what is shown in the video.

One of the user’s hypotheses is that the girl could be suffering from some kind of sleep seizure, but the mother assures her that she only has a diagnosis of autism and therefore admits that she has no motor skills. to achieve this type of movement.

“At first I thought it was moving on its own, but it’s quite a distance,” mother said, worried about the possibility of a “paranormal attack”.

The woman assumed that the video showed some “ball” similar to the movement of dust, when viewed under the sun, however, ensures that the camera no infrared capability to see it in such sharpness. Could the girl really be visited by an entity while she was sleeping?

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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