On March 25, 26 and 27 it will be held at terrace of Ciudad Tamanaco Shopping Center (CCCT)the first multi-product exhibition in Venezuela, with the participation of exhibitors, manufacturers and investors from more than 32 countrieswhich will allow Venezuelan businessmen to do business with international companies, manufacturers, promoters and financiers, in this country.
“A call for Venezuelan investors and entrepreneurs to register in this great event, where they will be able to expose to selected national and international publics, benefits, progress and have the opportunity to invest, expand and commercialize their products with companies more than 32 countries”, said lawyer Mariam Bolivar, Director of Operations for Expo Ven 2023.
In the order of thought, he informed that on March 27th Private Business and Recreation Congress between exhibitors and special guests.
Likewise, Bolivar highlighted the importance of the Venezuelan business community to participate in ExpoVen2023, because they will be part of the largest organization for international event assistance. “In the same way, they will have the opportunity to create alliances with international investors, space as exhibitors to promote their companies, advertising through social networks from Venezuela, China, Russia, the United States and the UK, among others, and mass mailings to all participants. and our international data partners and organizations for brand extensions,” he added.
Program it will be completely free and during the fair day, entrepreneurs will be able to sell their products and expand their business activities through international alliances and international negotiations.
“The slogan of the international company is to highlight, share and give away, to promote massive calling and thus national companies joining as exhibitors. We currently have 20,000 people registered on our page, who already have tickets for the event,” said Bolivar.
Finally, he pointed out that those interested in participating in the unprecedented event can call or write to the following numbers for detailed information. +17864487302 and +584140141413
“Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert.”