Bus stop for bees, a reality in Great Britain

Waiting for the bus in England now has a new ecological plus thanks the hum stopsbus stop with living roof and colorful with various flowers and plants trying to attract bees, butterflies and other insects. It is with the mission that they not only keep you company with their drones but also rest and do their job as pollinators.

Delete Channel beside Wildlife Trust and the local government is implementing this project which is expected to put in place over a thousand stops in the UK that have been assigned Netherlands, Denmark and Swedenand enter immediately France, Belgium, Canada and Australia.

Utrecht in the Netherlands was the first city in Europe to install them and now has more than 300.

How do they do it? Delete Channel is a managing advertising company 30,000 from conventional stops, many of them require alterations because they have completed their useful life cycle, when repositioning them, these special adaptations are made to withstand the weight of the garden and the water they require.

For his part, Wildlife Trusta wildlife organization, gives advice on which native flora (wild strawberries, poppies, thyme) to use to create a particular type of attracting effect bee, butterfly and hoverfly.

Jo Smith, CEO of Derbyshire Wildlife Trustshowed Ecoportal.net that it is a way to make nature more visible and for others to do it on the roof of their business or home.

“Bus stops are the best way to be present in the city. Everyone saw them, even if they didn’t get on the bus, but walked or drove. This is a true representation of the small changes we want them to make. communities, people and organizations to create more space for nature,” he explained.

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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