The AUKUS Alliance will enable the US to build a strong logistics network in the Indo-Pacific

thousands of kilometers away from their shores, ships, aircraft carriers and, above all, submarines United States of America require enormous logistical support to keep operating in indopacific.

Washington he is confident that his strong ties to his allies in the region will provide him with the necessary support to maintain his high combat readiness. He AUCUSpolitical-military alliance signed with Australia And great Britainare the spearhead of a wider network of allies who will provide you with logistical support to dock, refuel or repair your submarines and other naval assets.

“Most people really can’t fathom how big the world really is. Pacific Ocean. Living and working here all year round and in all weather conditions requires extraordinary logistical support,” said Capt. Justin HartsDeputy Commodore of Command Destruction Squadron indopacific from United States of America

Hart remember in the publication of Navy America that “an Australian supply ship carries millions of gallons of fuel and food… Being highly integrated with our allies and partners ensures that we are better able to accomplish our mission.”

The AUKUS Alliance will enable the three member countries to build a logistical support network

Navy from United States of Americawith the world’s largest submarine fleet, will have access in the medium and long term to at least five new bases in Australia, fundamental to alliance interoperability.

Strengthening collective security agreements in Asia Its main purpose is to prevent the regime from beijinglike NATO obstruct Russia in the Europe. However, it is unlikely that this network structure of the alliance reflects this accurately Atlantic Alliance.

According to the opinion of Gedeon Rachman in the Financial timing«instead of a single alliance, we are witnessing the interweaving and enhancement of existing ties creating a network of forces committed to preventing the region from falling under domination beijing».

In fact, the network’s membership potential extends beyond signatories AUCUS expand to Japan, Canada, South Korea And India among others.

“The importance of this cooperation goes far beyond naval exercises and submarine sales. Three countries are involved in AUCUS They will cooperate on strategic technologies such as quantum computing and artificial intelligence. India And Japan They also have many contributions in that field,” he added. Rachmann.

Elena Eland

"Web specialist. Incurable twitteraholic. Explorer. Organizer. Internet nerd. Avid student."

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