The new British government will not change its position on Gibraltar and guarantees that the agreement will be a “win win win”

Gibraltar/The new British government will not change its position on Gibraltar, which is why the British ambassador to Spain, Hugh Elliottbelieve that the agreement between the two countries will be closed “as soon as possible”. As the diplomat explained in a meeting with journalists at the British Embassy in Madrid, negotiations were “advancing rapidly” before the election was announced and the current prime minister won. Keir Starmer.

The ambassador has stressed that British foreign policy is a matter of state, so there will be no problem in Gibraltar. “no major changes” and “everything that has been completed and advanced to date” remains on the table. In this regard, he has indicated that although the new British and Spanish Executives may have “greater political harmony” because they both are socialistsyour Government’s position will not change “in substance”.

Elena Eland

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