UK: Labour sweeps to return to power after 14 years of Conservative rule

He British Labour Party Keir Starmer won Thursday’s election with an absolute majority England with 410 seats of the 650 held by the House of Commons (low), according to a poll broadcast by the country’s television stations.

He Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservative Party suffers worst defeat in its historyout by 131 seats, according to a survey carried out by Ipsos for the BBC News, ITV and Sky News channels.

Surveys that extrapolate the answers given by voters as they leave their polling stations provide 61 seats for the Liberal Democrats and 13 seats for the right-wing populist Reform UKwho will enter Parliament for the first time in the election.

He workforce advancement This would shift seats away from the independent Scottish National Party (SNP), which won just 10 seats in the survey, from the 43 they held in the last legislature.

According to the released data, the Green Party will gain 2 seats in the House of Commons; 4 Welsh Nationalists from Plaid Cymru and 19 will choose other independent candidates or even more minority formations.

If these results are confirmed, Starmer will become British Prime Minister on Friday after 14 years of Conservative rule.with a comfortable majority, but it would be below Tony Blair’s historic majority in 1997, when Labour won 418 seats.

Sunak will be under pressure to resigned after his party’s worst ever resultsalthough he may remain in office temporarily to ensure an orderly succession.

In the next few hours the results of the count will be announced. each of the 650 constituencies in Englandwhere voters elect one representative from any formation, based on a single-member majority electoral system.

That latest results They will be known this Friday, the day the change of government will take place.

Elena Eland

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