UK General Election 2024 | Survey

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To prepare this story, a weighted average has been created from surveys collected by from the following media and polling agencies: BMG, BMG/Independent, BMG/The Independent, BMG/The i, Deltapoll, Deltapoll/Daily Mail, Deltapoll/Daily Mirror, Deltapoll/Mail on Sunday, Deltapoll/Sky News, Deltapoll/The Mail on Sunday, Deltapoll/The Mirror, Deltapoll/The Sun on Sunday, FindOutNow, FindOutNow (MRP)/The Sunday Telegraph, FindOutNow/Channel 4, FindOutNow/Channel 4 News, FindOutNow/Daily Mail, FindOutNow/Daily Mirror and GB News, FindOutNow/Daily Telegraph, FindOutNow/The Daily Telegraph, FindOutNow/The Mirror, FindOutNow/The Telegraph, Focaldata, Focaldata (MRP), Focaldata/Best for Britain, Focaldata/Sam Freedman, Focaldata/The Sunday Times, Focaldata/The Times, Focaldata/Times Radio, Ipsos, Ipsos (MRP), Ipsos/Evening Standard, JL Partners, JL Partners/Sunday Times, JL Partners/The Rest is Politics, JL Partners/The Sunday Telegraph, Kantar Public, Labour Together, Lord Ashcroft, More in Common, More in Common (MRP), More in Common (MRP)/News Agency, More in Common/News Agency, More in Common/Times Radio, Norstat, Number Cruncher Politics, Number Cruncher Politics/Bloomberg, Number Cruncher Politics/Peston, Omnisis, Opinium, Opinium/Headlands Consultancy, Opinium/The Observer, Panelbase, Panelbase/Sunday Times, PeoplePolling, PeoplePolling/GB News, Redfield & Wilton, Redfield & Wilton/Election Maps UK, Savanta, Savanta (MRP)/The Telegraph, Savanta ComRes, Savanta ComRes/Sunday Express, Savanta/The Telegraph, Survation, Survation (MRP)/ Best For Britain, Survation (MRP)/Best for Britain, Survation (MRP)/British Anti-Corruption Coalition, Survation/38 Degrees, Survation/Greenpeace, Survation/UK Spirits Alliance, Techne, Verian, We Think, We Think (MRP) ), Whitestone Insight, Whitestone Insight/Daily Express/Daily Mirror, Whitestone Insight/Lady McAlpine, You Gov, YouGov (MRP)/Conservative Britain Alliance, YouGov (MRP)/Sky News, YouGov (MRP)/The Times, YouGov/DatapraxisEU , YouGov/ Fabian Society, YouGov/Sky News, YouGov/The Times, YouGov/Times Radio, YouGov/WPI Strategy.

The average of the election polls carried out by DatosRTVE, which has been advised by the doctor of statistics Javier Álvarez Liébana, is calculated using a weighted average of the polls of the last few months, which takes into account the time and sample size to determine the weight of each survey.

Elena Eland

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