On the first day alone, more than 8,000 professionals from various fields were registered on the platform which allowed the government to access 2,000 international scholarship according to this year.
Call from international scholarship It has been open since Thursday, March 10, and the platform has received thousands of visits from interested parties. It will be available until March 31st. The offer of degrees, specializations, masters and doctorates is 490.
Tourism, business and health are areas of interest where this year the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (Mescyt) offers more opportunities for international scholarship.
According to the authorities, this offer is framed in areas of knowledge that need to be strengthened, by prioritizing courses that are in greatest demand from productive fabrics.
The technology platform lists the documents and requirements requested by Mescyt to access scholarship opportunities, where, according to Minister Franklin García Fermín, selection will be made on the basis of best grades and student demarcation will be taken into account, making it democratic.
The scholarships come from universities in Germany, Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, Spain, United States, France, Italy, Mexico, Puerto Rico, United Kingdom, Russia and Switzerland.
“Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert.”