Analysis: The UK economy is at serious risk of a historic collapse. Pound will fall
Next Monday, September 5, Britain’s Conservative Party will elect its new leader and, therefore, the country’s Prime Minister. In the end a dispute remains between Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, with a clear advantage for the former. Next week England will replace Boris Johnson, but anyone who craves a return to British rationality and pragmatism can sit back and wait. At a time when the pound welcomes Liz Truss at serious risk of a historic collapse.
Liz Truss, the current secretary of state and former secretary of commerce, emerged as the favorite in all opinion polls. He is a hard-line conservative, admirer of Margaret Thatcher (to the point of appearing in several photos dressed similar to hers). In 2016, she opposed Brexit because she said she didn’t want her “daughter to need a visa to be able to work in Europe”, because it would create “expensive trade barriers” and because “being part of the EU helps protect the environment”. However, a year later, he saw the light and said that the Brexit issue was not like that and that “he also saw an opportunity”.
#Great Britain
#British Economy
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