Queen Elizabeth II is a person closely associated with outer space and the different human missions that have taken place beyond Earth. As published today by Buckingham Palace “the queen and duke of edinburgh is the champion of science, technology, engineering and long effort. Over the years, His Majesty and His Majesty have marked important scientific milestones, especially in space exploration.”
Queen Elizabeth II’s reign includes all human spaceflight, beginning in the 1950s and continues to this day. His first approach to space problems took place in 1961, when the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh received cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin at Buckingham Palace upon his return to Earth in April of that year as the first human in space. Although there were no photos of the private meeting, cameras produced black-and-white images of Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin visiting Buckingham Palace and driving through London in an open-top car.
In 1966, the Duke of Edinburgh visited the Manned Space Center in Houston.United States of America, where they gave her the Union Jack flag which was taken into space on the ‘Gemini 7’ rocket in December 1965. But without a doubt, one of the most special moments that Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal Family experienced was when the Astronauts were received at the Palace Buckingham Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collinsafter the Apollo 11 mission that took them to Luna.
Previously, Queen Elizabeth is one of 73 world leaders whose message to Apollo 11 POT it was recorded on a silicon disc and left on the surface of our natural satellite in 1969. “On behalf of the British people, I salute the skill and courage that has landed man on the Moon. Hopefully this effort will increase the knowledge and welfare of mankind”, is the message recorded by the British rulers.
The disc is about the size of a 50-cent coin and is made of a non-metallic chemical element found in nature and widely used in electronics, according to a NASA news release published on July 11, 1969. Your message and 72 others have been collapsed. 200 times smaller than the pin head before it was recorded on a gray disk, with each message appearing as a dot. There were messages from Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon and other world leaders.
Aldrin, the last surviving crew member, posted his own farewell when the Queen’s death became known. “On behalf of the Apollo 11 crew, God bless the royal family”, wrote the 92-year-old astronaut who added a photo of the historic visit he and his friends made to the Royal House.
Queen at NASA
In 1991 Isabel II and Felipe visited NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC). The royal couple personally signed the official guest book and visited the Space Center to speak with leaders of the scientific community. The Queen even hosted a private knighthood ceremony in honor of Cecil H. Green, a British-born American geophysicist who co-founded Texas Instruments Incorporated.
In 2007, as part of a visit to the United States, Queen Elizabeth II and Duke Philip of Edinburgh visited NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. There, he was greeted by NASA Administrator Michael Griffin. On that occasion, Hubble Space Telescope Program Manager Preston Burch gave Prince Philip three solar cells taken from space after a space telescope repair mission. Meanwhile, the queen spoke from Mission Control with the three astronauts who were then aboard the International Space Station.
and in december 2015, the queen greets British astronaut Major Timothy Peake, when it joined the International Space Station. peak, UK’s first European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut, he also met the Queen, who sent him a message the night before his first launch into space. “Prince Philip and I are delighted to extend our best wishes to Major Timothy Peake as he joins the International Space Station in orbit. We hope that Major Peake’s work on the Space Station will inspire a new generation of scientists and engineers,” he wrote.
When Peak returns to Earth in 2016, he presented the Queen with a British flag which she wore on her spacesuit while walking in space from the station. “What a wonderful woman. Thank you, ma’am, for a lifetime of dedication and devotion. Sad day and our thoughts are with the royal family,” Peake wrote on Thursday.
Memories of NASA and other space agencies
The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) mourned his death and issued the appropriate greetings. “Queen Elizabeth II’s reign includes all spaceflight, predating Sputnik and Explorer 1NASA shared on Twitter. “As we joined the planet to mark his departure, we were moved by the curiosity His Majesty has shown our explorers over the years,” NASA wrote.
It should be noted that Explorer 1 was the first successful satellite launched by the US in 1958, just a few months after the launch of Sputnik 1 and Sputnik 2 by the Soviet Union. NASA’s tweet in honor of the late Queen Elizabeth II includes a photo of her with Apollo 11 astronauts Michael Collins, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin after their historic trip to the Moon in 1969.
It European Space Agency He also took to social media to offer his condolences and recall how Queen Elizabeth II met British astronaut Peake. Jeff Bezos, who also founded the suborbital spaceflight service company Blue Origin, shared his admiration for the late Queen Elizabeth II, commenting, “I can’t think of anyone who accomplished the task better.”
In addition to her duties as king in the service of England, Elizabeth II was known for her permanent sense of humor. “I have traveled a lot but I hope you will forgive me for limiting my travels to the surface of the earth,” the queen said as she visited the National Space Center in Leicester, England.
“Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert.”