Technological advances and radar are increasingly sophisticated, which causes bad luck for many drivers and motorcyclists. While various countries in the European Union are launching new radar systems capable of detecting whether the speed is reduced before passing at camera height, because they have the capacity to capture the speed of a vehicle even at a distance of one kilometer, In the UK they go further.
British authorities have given the green light for such use new generation of traffic radar with infrared technology. This new type of radar has been developed and manufactured by the company Jenoptik and promises to be a turning point in the detection of traffic violations.
The Vector SR radar is small, is quick to install and puts an end to possible radar weaknesses. It weighs less than 8 kilograms, so it can be quickly installed on existing street furniture.
Therefore, this device is able to act as a fixed radar, but also supports mobile control by traffic officers. Its infrared and radar technology allows you to capture images in almost any type of situation. It is effective in low light conditions and low visibility due to adverse weather conditions.
with everything, The important and revolutionary point of the Vector SR is that it is designed for two-way use, which is undoubtedly bad news for motorcyclists. Most speed cameras -not so many in Spain-, especially passage cameras, use a single camera facing one direction, often looking at the front of the vehicle. Considering that motorbikes do not have front number plates, in many cases fines for speeding are not issued.
It is small and goes in two directions. If we exceed the permitted speed, it will be impossible to escape from it.
The multidirectional detection of the Vector RS puts an end to this casuistry, also allowing better two-shot capture so that any fines are taken out of the equation. both can be from different angles. In addition, this new radar, which was launched for the first time in the UK, can not only be used to control speed, but also to monitor traffic, captures red light violations and transmits information from your automatic license plate recognition system via camera.
We riders are safe from the radar ahead, with this there is no escape.
Goodbye to ‘lightning’
Another ‘advantage’ of the Vector SR radar is that, unlike traditional radar, it functions as a camera You don’t need to use ‘flash’, because shooting is done with infrared. This means that drivers and motorcyclists won’t even have an indication that they might be fined for speeding – or for any other issue – because there is no normal light to indicate that the camera has been activated on conventional radar.
For now, Use of the Vector SR radar was successful in the UK, although units are still limited. A situation that needs to be taken into account, because it is not surprising that this radar technology is effective Directorate General of Traffic (DJP) encouraged to import this new generation of radar for use on our highways.
Motorcyclists and other drivers have been warned.
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