Alicia Castro: “A president cannot be elected by one person and by tweet”

Alicia Castro, former ambassador of Venezuela, with President Alberto Fernández.

The internal ones that crossed the Front of All for several months gave no respite. In addition to the constant criticism of the ruling government that has come from the closest circle of Vice President Cristina Kirchner, in recent hours a striking declaration of Alicia Castroformer ambassador to Venezuela and the UK. “Alberto Fernández is everyone’s fault”considered a reference from the Soberanxs space and did not hesitate to allude to Cristina Kirchner’s responsibilities in that decision.

“Cristina is a brilliant politician and we all make mistakes. A president cannot be elected by one person and by tweet.”mirrors the former diplomat, alluding to May 18, 2019 in which the current Vice President announced that Alberto Fernández would preside over the presidential formula for that year’s election via video broadcast on his social networks.

This Saturday, he repeated his criticism for CNN radio: “We believe that behind this coalition there is a program,” he said without hiding his disappointment. “I went to celebrate May 18 when Cristina announced on the network that she would be supporting Alberto Fernández,” he recalls. But time has shown that there is efficacy to win but no efficacy to rule.”

The majority would not vote for the Renovation Front. Virtue is found in alliances where actions can be coordinated in economic matters and in foreign relations similar to or better than Kirchnerism, and this is not the case”, he analyzes in dialogue with FM Delta 90.3. In this way, Castro joins the leaders of hardline Kirchnerism who have attacked President Fernández since the agreement with the International Monetary Fund to refinance debt was announced.

Today, the former diplomat ratified his statement convincingly that “the majority of Front of All voters are disappointed with the government”.

Then, despite criticism of CFK for its poor candidate selection, Alicia Castro tried to remove him from government: “Obviously Alberto Fernández doesn’t co-rule with Cristina but with the IMF.”

He insisted that Alberto Fernández “wouldn’t have gotten the vote if it weren’t for Kirchnerism”, something no doubt about it, and that he was rudely shown by other leaders of the time, such as former national representative Fernanda Vallejos, to be very close to the Vice President.

We believe that behind this coalition there is a program”, he insisted. And he criticized the government’s foreign policy which he said was “incomprehensible because it is a volatile policy.”

“The fundamental fault is not Cristina’s tweet, the basic mistake is not compiling the program”, he also said, in another attempt to soften his criticism of the Vice President for his decision without consultation. Although he did not specify to whom he attributed responsibility for not formulating a government platform and not just a winning formula. That is, to have “effectiveness to win”, but not “to rule”, in his words.

Regarding economic policy, he complained that “the government is doing nothing to separate international prices from local prices.”

“The government lied to us and this is very uncomfortable for everyone: it happens when it says, for example, that the agreement with the fund will not bring about adjustment,” he alleged.


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Elena Eland

"Web specialist. Incurable twitteraholic. Explorer. Organizer. Internet nerd. Avid student."

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