China’s Foreign Ministry in Hong Kong criticized Britain’s false accusations and political manipulation

Hong Kong, May 25 (Xinhua) — The Office of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Commissioner of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Saturday expressed its strong disapproval and firm rejection of the Kingdom’s deliberate stigmatization of China. UK, arbitrary detention and prosecution of Chinese nationals in the UK, as well as defamation of the HKSAR Government.

A spokesperson for the Commissioner’s Office accused the British side of disrupting the normal operations of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London, and supporting anti-China fugitives who fled Hong Kong.

The spokesperson stressed that the UK’s false accusations and despicable political manipulation have seriously violated the spirit of the rule of law, violated the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens in the UK, and seriously violated the principles of international law and basic norms governing relations internationally, adding that this action would only reveal Britain’s own disgrace and damage its image and credibility.

Hong Kong is part of China, and the Chinese side firmly opposes any external forces interfering in Hong Kong affairs and other Chinese internal affairs in any way, the spokesperson said.

“We firmly urge the British side to stop anti-China political manipulation, end self-inflicted political farce, earnestly guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens in the UK, and ensure the normal performance of the functions of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Commission’s Office in London,” the spokesman said, warning: “If the British side persists in taking action, China will take firm countermeasures.”

Elena Eland

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