District doctor: Health platform is likely to cause patient injury
Photo: Frank Lervik / TV2
On Tuesday, it was revealed that more than 16,000 letters sent from St. Olav never made it to the receiver. There is still no full picture of the contents of these letters, but the State Administrator in Trøndelag is concerned.
– I cannot answer whether the Health Platform has taken a toll, but one should be able to say with a high probability that an error has caused injury to the patient, Trøndelag regional doctor Jan Vaage told TV 2.
Notifications revealing that thousands of letters had not reached their recipients caused many employees to now sit and read each letter. The uncovered error indicated that employees at St Olav’s hospital were – in good faith – using the wrong letter template.
The health platform apologizes for the system error.
– The system should have notified the sender when the person in question used the wrong letter template, but that didn’t happen, regrets the director of service delivery at the Health Platform, Ulf Dahl Ryen.
Dahl Ryen says that in addition to the thousands of letters now being checked and resubmitted, staff also have to go through and check to see if the same challenges apply to multiple letter templates. The wellness platform is currently working with Epic’s American customer and supplier to fix the error.

Photo: NTB/Annika Byrde
The new logging system, intended for use in cities and hospitals in central Norway, proved to be a major challenge during the four months since its inception.
The city government of Trondheim also did not escape its last notified major blunder – some 1,300 letters have yet to reach recipients, the city government announced in a press release.
– This is a serious matter, and we need to identify which letters have not reached patients, general practitioners or other people in order to judge the seriousness of each case, said Health and Welfare Director Wenche Dehli.
Both the Norwegian Health Authority and the State Administrator in Trøndelag carried out on-site inspections at the St. Petersburg hospital. Olav followed many reports of concern from hospital staff and general practitioners.
An initial report from the Norwegian Health Authority concluded that the introduction of the Health Platform had led to an increased risk for patients in the region.
County doctor Jan Vaage said he was ready for a number of challenges when introducing the new tape system, but he was far from expecting the large number of errors it has experienced in the past four months.
– Unfortunately, I am no longer surprised, and it’s hard to say that someone is not worried that more will come, says Vaage.
On Wednesday evening, an extraordinary board meeting was held at the Health Platform in Trondheim.
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