El Salvador and the UK will continue commercial relations

By strategicynegocios.net

The UK’s exit from the European Union will not affect El Salvador’s commercial relations with this country, due to the Agreement between Central America and the UK signed in 2019.

With alliance, El Salvador and Central American countries guaranteed the maintenance of preferential conditions for trade with England and vice versa.

According to Carolina Palma, lawyer specializing in Trade and Customs at the firm EY Law, “Central American governments have done an excellent job, achieving the legal security necessary to guarantee that trade in our region continues without major problems. What the Agreement does is interpret the terms of the Association Agreement“.

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On 17 October 2019, the UK and the EU announced a revised new agreement, supported by European leaders, paving the way for the UK’s orderly exit. Two days later, and after losing a vote on the amendment in Parliament, Johnson was forced to request an additional extension until 31 January 2020.

Finally, on 20 December, the House of Commons supported the Withdrawal Agreement reached by Johnson, with 358 votes in favor and 234 votes against. On January 23, 2020, Queen Elizabeth II gave her approval to the text, thus completing the entire procedure.

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On January 24, Johnson officially signed the agreement that will end nearly five decades of shared history between the UK and the EU.

“The UK is going through difficult times in its internal politics, but the ideal would be that despite the current turmoil, trade can continue to flow around the world. The country has taken a democratic decision to leave the European Union. however, this does not mean undermining commercial or political relations with other regions, but rather strengthening them. “Even so, it is important to always know the latest information regarding exit negotiations and what impact they will have on the company,” concluded Palma.

Roderick Gilbert

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