Enclave Festival 2023 is an event not to be missed if you are a lover of experimental, sound and performative poetry.
If anyone had any doubts, Mexico City is one of the greatest cultural capitals in the world: concerts, exhibitions, plays, film series, gastronomic fairs and almost everything you can think of happens here… And in a wide spectrum of possibilities, we discovered Enclave, the most purposeful and avant-garde experimental poetry festival in the nation’s capital.
The Enclave Festival 2023 is a binational project between Mexico and the UK that will be held in various venues, both live and digital. Rocío Cerón, poet, founder and curator of Enclave, along with her team coordinated by cultural manager Fabiola Valdés, have worked hard to create a hybrid program that includes poets, sound artists, new media, digital art and electronic writing.
This year the Enclave Festival celebrates 13 years of its existence. To celebrate there will be a
special edition, which will run until mid-2024 and will hold meetings
binational between artists from Mexico and England. The first part of the event will take place from Thursday, November 23 to Saturday, November 25, 2023. Carrying the motto Poetics of Acoustic Emergency, this edition of the festival promises a unique experience that combines experimental, sound and performative poetry.
This year’s program, curated by Rocío Cerón (Mx) and Iris Garrelfs (England), includes a wide range of activities that explore the boundaries of poetry, acoustics and sound experimentation. Among the famous is the “Imagination Clinic
Poética (CLIP)”, working sessions with Mexican and British artists that will produce
a reflection platform to explore writing practices related to other aspects
artistic. These sessions seek to rethink poetry in expanded and transdisciplinary ways.
Among the artists who will participate is Viv Corringham, vocalist and sound artist
New York-based England; Daniel Ballesteros, an exploring interdisciplinary artist
the subjective experience of listening from their neurodivergent perception; Malintzin Cortes,
musicians, speculative architects, creative technologists; John Drever, Goldsmith Professor of Acoustic Ecology and Sound Arts; Jilliene Sellner, sound artist, doctoral researcher and
UK-based Canadian Commissioner; Alisa Oleva,
Fabián Ávila Elizalde, Rossana Lara, and there will be the participation of young artists such as Emmanuel Vizcaya, NYX and Carlos Ramírez Kobra.
Below we present the schedule of various festival activities:
Thursday, November 23
-11:00 (Mexico) | 18:00 (London): Participation of artists such as Iris Garrelfs (England), Rocío Cerón (Mexico) and Daniel Ballesteros (Monterrey, Mexico) via Facebook Live @Goldsmith.
-13:00: Poetic Imagination Clinic with Rossana Lara (Mexico) // Face-to-face format // Aula magna, Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana.
-17:00: Poetic Imagination Clinic with Fabián Ávila Elizalde (Mexico), face-to-face format // Aula magna, Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana.
19:00: Presentation “Acoustic Emergencies (I)” with Fabián Ávila Elizalde (Mexico), Jillien Se-
llner (England), John Drever (England), Rossana Lara (Mexico), and young guest artist: Carlos Ramírez Kobra (Mexico) // In-person event and hybrid format at Divino Narciso Auditorium, Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana and will be broadcast on Facebook Live @enclavefestival and @CulturaClaustro.
Friday, November 24:
13.00: Poetic Imagination Clinic with Viv Corringham (England) and Rocío Cerón (Mexico).
co) (Poetic digression) // Face-to-face format, starting point: Aula magna, Claustro de Sor Juana University.
17:00: Poetic Imagination Clinic with Malintzin Cortés (Mexico) // Face-to-face format, Aula Magna, Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana.
19:00: Presentation “Acoustic Emergencies (II)” with Daniel Lara Ballesteros (Monterrey, Me-
xico), Iris Garrelfs (Germany-England), Rocío Cerón (Mexico), Viv Corringham (England)
do), Alisa Oleva (England), Malintzin Cortés (CNDSD) (Mexico), and guest young artists:
Emmanuel Vizcaya (Mexico). This event will be held face-to-face and in a hybrid format in the Auditorium
Divino Narciso and will be broadcast on Facebook Live @enclavefestival and @CulturaClaustro.
Saturday, November 25:
19:00: Closing of the 2023 Enclave Festival with the participation of leading artists and
young guests // The event will take place live and broadcast on Facebook
Live @enclavefestival.
Apart from that, at the closing there will be a closing after party with a DJ set from CNDSD (Ciudad
Mexico) and Mario D. Quiroz (Morelos, Mexico) in Pasagüero.
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