exporting gender equality while reducing assistance to women

He Women’s Day it has dyed many cities purple around the world. On the occasion of 8-M many promises, praise and flattery women’s collective and their struggle to achieve parity. Words that, after yesterday’s end, were not heard.

The British government has not fallen behind on these promises and has launched a new strategy to promote them gender equality around the world, while cutting benefits for women. The worldwide plan proposed by Executive Rishi Sunak supports sexual and reproductive health programs and funds advocacy groups women’s rights.

“Promoting gender equality and fighting discrimination is definitely the right thing to do, but it also brings freedom, increases prosperity and commerce, and strengthens security: those are fundamental pillars of any healthy democracy,” said the Secretary of State for British Affairs. overseas, James Cleverleywhile visiting schools and hospitals in Sierra Leone.

Despite the good intentions of Sunak government, the contradictions in his policy were evident. The launch of this new plan coincides with the start of an investigation into the case International Development Committee (IDC) about the impact of funding cuts to great Britain in women and girls in low-income countries.

In 2021, as published GuardianThat Foreign Affairs, Development and Commonwealth Office (FCDO) slashed aid budget by 4,000 million pounds. already last year, London She was accused of “betraying” women’s groups after learning that lawmakers knew the negative consequences of cutting aid.

“The impact of cutting off access to sexual and reproductive health services for women and their families in low-income countries is enormous,” she said. Sara Champion, chairman of the commission. In fact, last week the IDC criticized the UK government for diverting £1 billion in foreign aid and using the money to host refugees in the UK. great Britain in 2021.

which problem immigration that reminds Sunak and that he promised to quit once he hit No. 1. 10 Downing street. That same week, the Minister of Home Affairs, Suella Bravermanhas introduced one of the strictest regulations against immigration in the Europe and that it has harmed neighboring countries.

The new law on immigration policy states that everyone who arrives at great Britain on board they will not have the option of seeking asylum in the country and will be arrested and deported. In the face of criticism, daredevil He has defended that his proposal “does not violate any law” or violate international obligations Great Britain.

Elena Eland

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