Football, National Top Leagues | UK authorities approve contact training

The advice from authorities is that in team sports you start with groups of two or three athletes and gradually increase your way back to full training.

England recently eased its lockdown, paving the way for elite sport to resume without spectators from June 1. This includes football.

The opening of contact training on Monday means authorities have moved to phase 2 of the plan to resume sporting activity. It stressed that individual sports must assess whether infection control measures are adequate so that training can be carried out in a safe manner.

In football, there are strict infection control protocols in place, and in line with that, Premier League clubs have been training in groups for a week, with social distancing and no duels.

On Tuesday, the league will hold talks with club captains and representatives from the players’ association (PFA) and managers’ association (LMA) regarding further escalation.

On Wednesday, Premier League clubs will then hold a video meeting where it will be decided whether training from Thursday should be increased to include duels.

A new meeting on Thursday will determine the way forward in planning combat activities. Then the use of neutral channels could again be discussed.

(© NTB)

Henrietta Fairbank

"Amateur analyst. Zombie geek. Hardcore troublemaker. Internet expert. Incurable twitter fanatic."

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