IForeign Direct Investment (FDI) In the first half of 2022, the initial figure was 27 thousand 511.6 million dollars, 24.5% higher than the same period last year and the highest since 2013.
Through a statement, Ministry of Economy (SE) underlines that the number is the result of extraordinary moves, related to the merger Televisa with Univisión and restructuring of Aeroméxico, which together represent 6 thousand 875 million dollars of foreign capital.
Without considering the aforementioned moves, in the first half of 2022 FDI was 12.0% higher than the initial amount captured in the same period in 2021 (18,433.5 million dollars), SE said.
According to preliminary figures available to date, January to June 2022 27 thousand 511.6 million dollars were arrested, the net result of the difference being 33 thousand 510 million in inflows and 5 thousand 998.4 million in output, the agency detailed.
FDI in the first semester came from 2 thousand 376 companies with foreign investment, 2,649 trusteeship contracts and 16 foreign legal entities.
- By type of investment (origin of financing): for new investments, 43.0%; for profit reinvestment, 42.4%; and 14.6% for intercompany accounts.
- By sector: manufacturing, 34.3%; transportation, 16.3%, information in the mass media, 14.2%; financial services and insurance, 13.0%; trade, 6.1%; and mining, 4.7%. The remaining sectors captured 11.4%.
By country of origin, the United States represents 39.9% of Foreign Investment, followed by Canada with 10.3%; Spanish6.8%; Argentina, 5.9%; England, 3.3%; Germany, 2.6%; and other countries accounted for the remaining 31.2%.
“As usual with these statistics, the data will be adjusted when there is more information about operations for that period,” the Ministry of Economy reported.
The FDI figures are reviewed jointly by the SE and the Bank of Mexico and will be included in the final Balance of Payments Report, the government explained. If we review only the data for the second quarter of 2022, 7,204 million dollars arrived in the country, 21 percent more than registered in the same period last year, the largest percentage increase since 2018.
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