Very close to the best December: that bonusTherefore, here we present four tips so you can take care of it and not run away like water from your hands.
It National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services He shares some recommendations for making a Christmas bonus pay off for your finances.
To get started, the basics: preparing budget. Sort your income and expenses, so you can verify where to allocate your money; If you have debt, give it priority and get it done. Later you can allocate it for dinner, for gifts from holylabor exchange, etc.
Photo: Dark room
If you want to start meeting your goals for next year, savings It’s very important to make it happen. When you receive a bonus, we recommend that you create a little pig and allocate some of the money there.
As a third suggestion, remember say no to cards. Avoid spending your Christmas bonus on everyday expenses, such as groceries or eating away from home.
eye! Don’t panic buy. Remember that product prices increase around Christmas; so that this doesn’t affect your pocket, and most importantly don’t panic, plan your purchases in advance.
Photo: Dark room
Protection in cyberspace
Because money is also circulating online and in operation”Safe Bonus 2022“, units of Cyber Police The Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) Mexico City has issued several recommendations so you don’t become a victim of cybercriminals.
You are advised to have updated antivirus but also check website authenticity that you enter; some key points are spelling, image quality, redirecting to social networks (generally failing on apocryphal sites), and verifying the URL and physical address of the place of business.
So can you using an intermediary payment platforma prepaid card or one-time use virtual card, this helps protect bank details and prevent them from being used for other fees.
Another tip for guarding your bonus is to avoid paying attention to messages, especially from SMSwhere accusation accusationsIt is best to go to the media official contact from banking institutions and avoid entering the leagues indicated by these messages.
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