Future? The school appoints AI as the new ‘principal’; This will be your activity

Cottesmore School, a boarding school located in West Sussex (England), has appointed a robot with artificial intelligence as “chief director”. The institute has collaborated with AI developers to create a robot named Abigail Bailey, which assists the school’s principal, Tom Rogerson, with various tasks and school decisions.

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This technological advancement, which uses technology similar to ChatGPT, has been designed to provide guidance on topics ranging from support staff to helping students with ADHD and writing school notices. It works through a system where users can ask questions and receive answers provided by artificial intelligence algorithms.

According to Rogerson, in an interview for the British newspaper The Telegraph, The robot ‘Abigail’ has been developed with deep knowledge in machine learning and education management, allows you to analyze large amounts of data and provide precise guidance. Rogerson explained that the initiative aims to provide additional support to school staff, providing a reliable and accessible resource for making informed decisions.

The use of this technology has sparked mixed reactions in the education community. According to Rogerson, Having advanced resources available to assist with decision making was a comforting experience for him. He emphasized that the addition of this technology is not intended to replace human interaction, but rather complement it and offer additional support when needed.

Director Cottesmore too He hopes that other state school principals can take advantage of this technology. The robot can be programmed to provide structured responses and ask questions to stimulate school leaders’ critical thinking. This innovative approach can change the way educators face daily challenges and can increase the effectiveness of decision making in educational institutions.

Cottesmore’s initiative to incorporate artificial intelligence robots into school dynamics is a bold step towards the future. In addition to “principal” Abigail Bailey, the school has deployed other individual AI robots for students, aiming to help them understand their learning styles in a personalized way.

Rogerson first became familiar with ChatGPT technology through his nephew, a Cottesmore student.. Fascinated by the possibilities offered by artificial intelligence, Rogerson began to further explore the latest innovations in this field. These experiments in AI culminated in the application of robots to improve the educational experience for students and school staff.

Cottesmore, renowned for its educational excellence and recognized with numerous awards in the UK, has been at the forefront of educational innovation. The school has held events such as the “AI Masterclass Festival” which brings together educators from public and private schools an opportunity to explore various applications of artificial intelligence in the classroom.

Despite these advances, Rogerson emphasized that robots are not intended to replace teachers. In contrast, the introduction of artificial intelligence aims to expand the capabilities of educators, ensuring that students receive a quality education while maintaining the core values ​​of traditional education.


Roderick Gilbert

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