On Monday at 7pm, Nesodden invites Artis to an open “listening meeting” on gender diversity and sexuality for all Nesodden.
– There will be no debate here, but the microphone is open to everyone who wants to share their thoughts, questions, concerns and hopes, said Anne Line Sund.
– Deputy mayor Eivind Hoff-Elimari (MDG) set the floor, and the meeting was framed by beautiful music by Sarah Jane-Summers and Toni Sundaune. Everything is there for a good, dignified atmosphere, and I think that’s necessary in this question, said Sund.
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Sensitive and important
– Gender and sexuality norms have changed dramatically in a short time, says Eivind Hoff-Elimari.
– This is one of the most personal things, so it’s not surprising that the topic is sensitive and difficult to talk about. Therefore, I would like to commend Nesodden Kunstnere for taking this initiative for a different gathering – not to argue or try to convince others of anything, but to open ears, lighten hearts and drop shoulders, said Hoff-Elimari.
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Sund and Hoff-Elimari are concerned that Nesodden must accommodate a diversity of opinions and lifestyles, and become a dynamic democracy with real freedom of expression.
– The municipality is now working, among other things, on an action plan against discrimination against LGBT+ people, recalls Hoff-Elimari.
From London
The inspiration for the listening meeting at Skoklefall church came from a church in London.
– They organized a similar listening meeting after the Brexit vote, a very sensitive and divisive topic in the UK. Participants there described the listening meeting as one of the most constructive steps they have ever experienced to counter the polarization around Brexit.
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