Since What is it reach netizens, it became everyone’s favorite platform. The tools they offer are now the most used and requested by users who have become loyal to the app.
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Sometimes it might be application It provokes you to create a group or by chance they invite you to be a part of them to be able to do some kind of coordination or for some other external reason, but sometimes this gets annoying.
Therefore, application will soon allow users leave the group without notifying other membersIn addition, they will be able to control who can see when they are connected.
This interface change has been quite welcomed by thousands of people, as they find it a bit inconvenient for other people to know when you decide to leave the group.
Also, the novelty of What is it will also land on our computers with new functions prevent screenshots of conversations from being made.
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How to leave a WhatsApp group without anyone knowing it?
It best alternative for now leaving a group means silencing it and saving it, which is why now we’re going to teach you what steps you have to follow to do it. However, an update that will allow you to leave the group and go unnoticed is already in the works.
- come in first What is it
- Now go to the group you want to get rid of.
- Once in it, click on the name of the group that appears at the top of the chat.
- This will take you to a page with group details.
- Then you just need to click on the option Mute notifications.
- In the window that appears, press options Always and deactivate Show notifications.
- Finally return to the main WhatsApp Chat screen, and press and hold on the group name until it is selected. When you do, click the button. submitand voila you will no longer receive notifications of this conversation, so you will leave the conversation.
WhatsApp: When will the new update arrive on all smartphones?
The new update will arrive gradually in August and will start in the UK and then be distributed in other countries where the app is one of the most requested.
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