Photo: Disclosure/Brazil Minerals
Brazilian Institute of Mining (IBRAM), British Government in Brazil and Mining Centre – The mineral sector innovation space launched the ‘Mineral Sector Decarbonization Project’ on the last day of October 26. Starting from the logo, 11 mining companies joined the initiative (Alcoa; Anglo American; CBMM; Gerdau; Hydro; Kinross; Lundin Mining; MRN; Samarco; Nexa; Vale).
Apart from this project, the 3rd Stove Exhaust Gas Inventory which was prepared by IBM since August was also presented. These two steps will form the basis for the Institute to structure, starting in 2024, a roadmap carbon in mining, which allows setting specific emission reduction goals.
Direção do IBMAM states that or roadmap This will affect the processing of two environmental licensing processes, benefiting mining companies that will be involved in the sectoral climate agenda, carried out by the Institute. “The quest for climate is humanity’s ‘challenge of two contemporary challenges’. We cannot exclude ourselves from action on climate issues that impact us all. We still have ethical and moral challenges, which will pass on to future generations the better traits of our generation. “The project we are launching addresses a commitment to an unchanging and seamless minerals sector that diagnoses its emissions and seeks to decarbonize its operations,” said IBM director-president Raul Jungmann.
The 2nd Mineral Sector Stove Gas Inventory, conducted by IBM, showed that the mineral sector participates in Brazil’s total emissions in very small amounts, this is considered to be an operational limit limited to the activities of the mining sector and the physical benefits therein. mine – decapitation, opening of the lavra front, extraction, physical processing, internal transportation, recovery of open areas and closure of the extraction unit. Data from the study “Annual Estimates of Gas Emissions from Stove Effects in Brazil”, carried out by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation reveal that, in 2010, Brazil produced 1,246,477,000 tons of CO2e (CO2 equivalent), when compared with the mineral sector, nothing In 2011, there were 11,290,267 tons of CO2e (considered as a mineral resource inventory in the second edition of the study).
However, the partnership decarbonization project aims to identify technology decarbonization gaps, due to an integrated systems vision, which makes a lot of difference in the solutions that countries and mining operations can adopt. The project is based on the preparation of an action plan so that the sector can implement the energy transition through collective efforts, respecting the particularities of each mining company, to combine initiatives and achieve goals more effectively. Through open innovation, the mineral sector will have opportunities for cooperation, development and acceleration of projects that are valuable for the mining sector. During 2022, initiatives in Brazil and the world of innovation for decarbonization have been mapped out, with major opportunities for collaboration with the UK government identified, through the Energy Systems Catapult, a non-profit run by the UK government.
To formalize the cooperation between Brazil and the UK, an agreement was signed by Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Federative Republic of Brazil, Stephanie Al-Qaq, IBRAM director-president, Raul Jungmann, and the president of Mining. Hub, Alessandra Prata. “The leadership of the minerals sector with this project, along with other initiatives (related to climate issues) makes all the difference (…) together we can innovate and create solutions (…) there is no shortage of financial resources for projects like this ; “We lack visibility, leadership and voice (of the minerals sector)”, said the British Ambassador.
Márcio Rojas da Cruz, general coordinator of Climate Science of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, representative of Minister Luciana Santos, will also participate in the event; the director general of the National Mining Agency, Mauro Henrique Sousa; diplomat Gustavo Rosa, Energy and Mining Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – represented by Minister Mauro Vieira; e CEOs and managers of mining companies participating in decarbonization projects.
Mining companies associated with IBM have run programs for years aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GEE), expanding the use of green energy, and other initiatives. This sectoral movement is one of the commitments of the Mining ESG Agenda in Brazil, which has been developed by IBM and its associated mining companies in recent years. At the last United Nations Climate Conference, at COP 27, last year, IBMAM launched a ‘Climate Resilience Guide’ which aims to guide mining companies in the analysis and provision of climate risks, which endanger the performance of mining operations. At COP 28, which will be held in Dubai between November 30 and December 12 this year, IBM expects to present preliminary results of the 3rd Gas and Stove Securities Inventory.
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