Ingrid Jetter participates in the RAP Symposium in the UK
The national deputy was invited by the RAP (Political Action Network), -a civic association of which he is a part-, to participate in the RAP II Symposium in the UK: Politics, democratic governance and sustainable development in a challenging world. The event was co-organized with the University of Cambridge’s Center for Latin American Studies and the International School for Government at King’s College London. The RAP is fully financed by the private sector and in turn finances all activities of its members.
The RAP (Political Action Network), together with the University of Cambridge’s Center for Latin American Studies and the International School for Governance at King’s College London, are hosting the RAP II Symposium in Great Britain: Politics, Governance from 17 to 21 April 2023 democracy and sustainable development in a changing world. full of challenges, in the cities of Cambridge and London, United Kingdom.
National Deputy Ingrid Jetter was invited to participate in this important event as an active member of the RAP since 2006. The activity also involved the participation of 24 politicians who joined the RAP and 21 business leaders. “The aim of the Symposium is to create new examples of advancing in the analysis of the impact of challenges and opportunities offered by the global context, seeking to discuss what will happen and how reforms should be promoted to appreciate the resources that Argentina has, generate confidence to push investment and increased exports, thereby promoting sustainable and inclusive growth and the creation of productive and formal jobs”, said Ingrid Jetter.
The symposium agenda was divided into five thematic axes which were developed over successive days:
Yo. Global context, threats and opportunities.
ii. Sustainability, environment and climate change.
I, I, I. The role of innovation in development.
iv. Political economy reforms to promote sustainable and inclusive growth.
v. Evidence-based public policy.
The symposium was attended by more than 20 leading academics and specialists from Cambridge University, King’s College London and other institutions, whose presentations sparked a process of analysis and exchange of ideas among the participants, including Andrés Velasco (Former Minister of Finance of Chile, former candidate for president of the country and current Dean of the School of Public Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science), Alexander Downer (former Australian Foreign Minister and current Executive President of the International School of King’s College London Government), Christopher Hill, Partha Dasgupta and David Reiner ( from Cambridge University).
About RAPs
It should be remembered that Ms. Ingrid Jetter has been a member of the RAP Foundation (an organization that brings together 162 politicians from various parties and districts in the country) since 2006 and participates in the Education working group. They regularly hold meetings and training sessions that revolve around seeking a better quality of education in our country.
The RAP Foundation (Red de Acción Política) is a non-partisan organization with ideological plurality that aims to contribute to the formation and strengthening of Argentina’s political leadership. Since 2008, RAP has made thematic visits to Spain, New Zealand, London, Colombia, Australia, USA and Finland. RAP is fully funded by the private sector and in turn finances all activities of its members, meetings in Buenos Aires and experiences abroad. Jetter participates in its initiatives, overseas, at Columbia University in the US, Finland, Brazil and Chile.
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