International experts analyze in Córdoba the latest methodological approaches to bilingual education

group 250 international experts meet in Córdoba in VIII International Congress on Bilingual Educationhosted by University of Cordoba, Ministry of Education Junta de Andalucía and Trinity College. Until October 28, researchers from the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, Poland, Italy, Ecuador, Brazil, Bulgaria, and Spain, among others, will present their novelty and academic work on the implementation of the bilingual program, Universal Design for Learning (DUA). ) in bilingual education or the role of technology in the language teaching-learning process and in bilingual education.

They will also discuss language gapemotion and creativity in bilingual education evaluation of teaching and learning processes in bilingual education and bilingual programs, early recognition of a second language, the role of games and toys in bilingual education or bilingual education during a pandemic.

The Vice Chancellor for Internationalization of the University of Córdoba, Luna Santos, welcomed the congress participants this Wednesday, “who have become national and international references in the region, and which has speakers and participants who are renowned for their prestige and relevance”.

Santos pointed out that the celebration of this congress is an important event for the international scientific and educational community, because “it is a strategic goal for the University of Córdoba and, in addition, national and international organizations such as UNESCO, OECD, Council of Europe, MECD and Junta de Andalucía, among others, has long demonstrated the importance of bilingual education for the understanding of society and for the establishment of coexistence”.

The president of the congress, Professor Elena Gómez Parra, has indicated that the congress continues with the idea that it has consolidated into “a shared forum researchers, teachers, education managers and students to promote common, international and diverse reflection on good bilingual practice in educational contexts at any level: infant, primary, secondary and higher education. The philosophy of this congress seeks to make it clear that bilingual education is project still under construction for many countries and education systems and it is, however, a widespread practice in other countries from which, without a doubt, we must learn.

Award for Good Practice in Bilingual Education

Likewise this year IV Award for Good Practice in Bilingual Education, which has gone to the University of Pablo de Olavide; Alfar de La Rambla School is in second place and Virgen de Cruces de El Guijo is in third place.

The opening ceremony, in addition to Professor Gómez Parra, was attended by Sara María Delgado León, head of the Education Guidance Service of the Ministry of Education Development and Vocational Training in Córdoba; Mark Levy, British Council International Program representative; and Carlos Bautista, representative of Trinity College Spain-Portugal.

Sara María Delgado León, in her speech, explained that “for the Ministry of Educational Development and Vocational Training, foreign language teaching in our community prioritizes coordination in the monastery in terms of methodological approaches, evaluation and use of means”. Likewise, it enriches and promotes the creation of its own teaching materials, the use of new technologies, the development of interdisciplinary collaborative projects and the internationalization of the centre. That’s why in the last school years bilingual center network in Andalusia it has increased notably, reaching in the province of Córdoba, for example, the number 173.

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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