Job exchange for Teachers, for Spanish education action programs in the UK and Ireland

The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training announced a selective process for the creation of Job Exchanges for Teachers (Spanish educational action programs in the UK and Ireland):

Candidate main requirements/Ace

LYou/heAce applicants must haveare as follows requirements:

  • Tbe at least 16 years old and not over the age ofmaximum retirement advertising.
  • ANDhave a degree specified in exhibition yo from base for category you specialization called.
  • To practice teaching in secondary education compulsory and baccalaureate must be accredited, in addition, owned pedagogical and didactic training as referred to in article 100.2 of the Organic Law 2/2006, May 3, Education through possession of an official master’s degree which accredits pedagogical and didactic training.
  • It/heCandidates whose mother tongue is not English must have B2 English Accreditation according to her Common European Terms of Reference for Languages (CEFR) of the Council of Europe.
  • Have a minimum of 12 months teaching experience in a public and/or private center in the same section level of education chosen to be taught.

job exchange

A job fair will be established, for labor recruitmentto the storm, in temporary regime with substitution, from category teacher to teach at Step Yessecondary one of Baccalaureatein specialization: Philosophy, Physics and chemistry, Technology.

It number maximum from candidate/Ace a cellChoose will from 50 by category professional/special.


Presentation of the application (Appendix III of the base) will be carried outaccording to the provisions of the Royal Decree 203/2021, March 30, electronically via the General Electronic Registry of the General State Administration (

Required documentation

The request must be accompanied by the following documentation: (a) fcopy of identity document opsupport; (b) fotoscopy of the title required for that category you specialthis frommy relationshipalso from that titlein your case, language knowledge certification needed; (c) cucontinue; (d)fotoscopy from the supporting documentation of the benefits you want to be appreciated; (e) doDocument accredited teaching experience, at least, 12 months.

Deadline for application

Application submission period will be opened until 28 September 2022.

More information on Teacher Exchange, for UK and Ireland

Calls for a selective process to prepare a list of candidates for temporary staff recruitment at the Spanish Institute Vicente Cañada Blanch and in the Spanish education action program of the Ministry of Education in the UK and Ireland, with the professional category of Master in secondary education or baccalaureate. Call base

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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