LALICS 2023: the historic event focused on innovation, science and technology ends

Asunción, IP Agency.- This Wednesday, 21 June, an international seminar bringing together exponents from the fields of science, technology and innovation, as well as from the business and government sectors, as part of the Latin American Network for the study of Learning, Innovation and Construction Systems, graduated Competency (LALICS).

The Network Seminar was held for the first time in Paraguay on June 19, 20 and 21 at the Central Bank of Paraguay.

The aim of the event is to connect and share knowledge between researchers, policy makers and students regarding economics, science, technology and innovation to promote capacities that strengthen Paraguay’s national innovation system and all countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. . .

The first day discusses public policies for science, technology and innovation and the relationship between the government, business and academia sectors.

The second day is focused on the use of technology and innovation with a focus on environmental sustainability, sustainability and energy transition.

The final day addresses challenges in science, technology and innovation and the regional context.

President of the National Science and Technology Council (Conacyt), Eduardo Felippo, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) representative, Edna Armendáriz, president of Lalics, Gabrilea Dutrénit, and president of the Economic Network participated in the inauguration of Innovation Paraguay (REIP), Selva Olmedo.

Presentations included international experts from universities and academic organizations from Mexico, Brazil, UK, Nicaragua, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay and Spain.

Authorities and representatives from Conacyt, National University of Asunción, Scientific Society of Paraguay, UIP Joven, Moisés Bertoni Foundation and American University participated for Paraguay.

About the event

The LALICS Seminar and LALICS II Academy are organized by the LALICS Network, the Paraguayan Innovation Economics Network (REIP), the National Council for Science, Technology, and Innovation (Conacyt) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

This initiative is supported by BCP, UIP, Becal program, UNA, American and Paraguay-German universities, Young Scholars Initiative (YSI), United Nations Organization for Culture, Science and Education (Unesco) and for industrial development (UNIDI) and Ibero-American Program of Science and Technology for Development (CYTED).

Roderick Gilbert

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