Leo Messi in the kitchen of Hard Rock Cafe, International

“Greatness Happens Here” is a new campaign Hard Rock Cafe to renew his relationship with LeoMessi as the brand ambassador, who this time was pushed to do more and surprise by showing all his magic as the chef of this emblematic restaurant. Fully developed by agent Yes, we are open, this new campaign is a continuation of the Live Greatness platform that the brand implemented in 2020 and will be launched in all Hard Rock Cafes worldwide and in some of its hotels. It will have impressive support in marketing, mass media and social networks, as well as a new 360 web experience that will add an entertainment and fun side to campaigns.

maximum Lawrence, Managing Partner of Yes, we are Open, commented: “We are extremely proud and excited to be collaborating with Hard Rock Café on the launch of this ambitious new campaign. The brand has the challenge and ambition to ensure that Hard Rock continues to be a proposition Cold and relevant, not only to our most loyal customers, but also to the new consumers represented in a new, increasingly demanding and connected generation.”

Meanwhile, Sebastian Marvin, Co-founder And Creative Partners de Open added: “The most beautiful part of our job is thinking up ideas and then being able to execute them. After telling the client that it was the right time to engage Messi more with the brand and show him in this role as chef, we feel it will be a success for the campaign and to consolidate this long-term partnership.”

Finally, Millie Vergara, Managing Partner of Open USA, highlighted: “We congratulate our client Hard Rock for having the vision two years ago to solidify this great partnership with the legendary Leo Messi. It is our goal to genuinely connect with the Hispanic segment and universal consumers, through a passion for sport and the enjoyment of good food.”

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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