June known as LGBTQ+ pride month and many brands take advantage of this date to launch Pride themed advertising campaign and show your support for the community. However, some companies have criticized for using pride month as a marketing strategy to sell more products.
Every year, more and more companies join the initiative to support community members by launching unlimited products or simply changing the color of their logo. Based on DeliverHe 94 percent of LGBTQ+ themed ad campaigns focused on the months of June and Julyfor Pride Month.
According to her gate popular information25 Great Companies That Modded Their Logos With Rainbow Parades And Sponsored Parades, they donated over $10 million to politicians and anti-LGBTQ+ groups. Some of the companies indicated by the portal are Amazon, AT&T, Comcast, CVS Health, FedEx, General Motors, Google, JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft, Google, and Walmart.
After allegedly, some of these companiess taking steps to stop supporting anti-LGBT groups. In this sense, they have donated money to organizations that defend people’s rights.
Facing this scenario, various communities stated that during June they did not feel any support from the brand, but instead did pridewashing or rainbowwashing. That is, they take advantage of parades, parties or any activities related to the month of pride to outsell and not support this community too much.
For example, in 2022 brands like bmw they update them logos on western corporate accounts, but on Middle Eastern accounts they left their traditional logo. This action was rejected by some users Twitterwhich designates brands to do pridewashing.
However, some companies have tried to run support campaigns during LGBT months without capitalizing on them. ManureFor example, introduced Five new profile stickers to give communities and allies a way to celebrate and connect with one another.
Among the stickers is My First Pride, which seeks to help new community members connected to each other. Other badges are Salí en Línea, Save Queer Spaces, Happy Pride and Proud Ally.
In addition, bicycle and scooter brands, limeadorns each of his vehicles with a pride flag, which can be found at country Join, Israel And Kingdom Union. In every city, Lime will donate to and assist local organizations that support the LGBT community.
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