Marta García Aller: “In Britain, the left is furious because its leaders are running away from the politics of spectacle”

To sweep the polls with the biggest victory in almost 30 years will be appointed as the new prime minister of Britain He did not need to boast of being a great ideologue, or a brilliant rhetorician, or make any flashy proposals. He is neither charismatic nor radical.. Not Tony Blair, not Gordon Brown, let alone Jeremy Corbyn. The new British Prime Minister, who won a landslide victory that led to the collapse of the Conservative Party, does not need to have millions of followers on TikTok or command a lot of media attention to make himself known. Nor is he brilliant at debating. Because he doesn’t need it, he doesn’t need us to know his name. It was enough for him not to be conservative or appear too left-wing..

The most tempting proposal ever made by the new fashionable men of the European left is promises a policy that is less surprising. He has promised – I like this – to reduce attention. Unlike populism and nationalism, and all politics based on division, the new British prime minister has courted voters by promising just that. you don’t need to always creating new enemies every week because, he said, “it’s tiring” for the public and inciting anger will get a lot of ‘likes’ but will be useless in improving public services and the economy of a country.

England, once again, took the opposite direction. Breaking the trend of decline of the center-left in many Western countries. More and more voters in neighboring countries, such as France, Italy and Germany, are supporting the far right and far right. Marine Le Pen is edging closer to taking power in France on Sunday. Meanwhile, in Britain, the far left is being led by a leader who fleeing from populism, polarization, and spectacle politics. It remains to be seen whether this is a trend or an anomaly.

By the way, his name is Starmer. Keir Starmer.


What happened in England was the end of an era, elections can be won in other ways.

Elena Eland

"Web specialist. Incurable twitteraholic. Explorer. Organizer. Internet nerd. Avid student."

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