Medicine/Health, Disease | Johnson: England is in the worst condition

In the last 24 hours, there were 674 new coronavirus-related deaths in the UK, British authorities said on Thursday.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who returned to work on Monday this week after suffering serious illness from the virus, said at a press conference that his country was now in the worst period of the epidemic.

– For the first time, we are now at the top, and on our way to the bottom, Johnson said.

Next week, he will lay out a comprehensive plan for when and how the country will ease restrictions. The current restrictions are in place until at least May 7. Johnson is expected to announce a continuation until further notice.

Johnson expressed frustration at difficulties in getting personal protective equipment and increasing the speed of testing, but said the government was now doing everything in its power to make this happen.

The infection rate is now below 1, and fewer people are being treated in hospital and fewer are requiring intensive care. This in turn affects death statistics, the government’s chief scientific adviser Patrick Vallance said at a press conference.

– The infection rate is now below 1. We estimate it to be between 0.6 and 0.9 for the country as a whole, perhaps a little lower in some places and a little higher in others, he said.

(© NTB)

Sheila Vega

"Social media guru. Total beer fanatic. Tv ninja. Typical coffee fan. Amateur entrepreneur. Unapologetic food scholar."

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