Online age verification jeopardizes user privacy

In recent years, cybersecurity for kids This has become a priority issue for many states and countries. The priority is to limit children’s access to social networking and pornographic sites. However, so far no way has been found to verify the age of internet users without placing your personal information is at risk.

Country likes great Britain And United States of America has proposed a legislative project that requires special characteristics for age verification tool. That said, the method applied can be “tricked” by the “ease” that appears.

Of the different authentication systems, the most common is WHERE third party validating age, either through a credit card or some sort of identification. However, the National Commission on Informatics and Freedom points out that given the online payment infrastructure, it can “verified” age in the absence of an adult. In addition, this tool restricts internet use to adults who do not have access to credit cards.

An experimental solution already used by Facebook and Instagram to determine user age is facial recognition. Yoti, the facial service used by the network above, confirms that it can identify residents between 13 and 17 years of age as under 25 years of age with 99.3 percent accuracy and as children between 6 and 11 years of age as under 13 years of age with accuracy 98.35%. However, apart from not including data on differences between adolescents and adults, a Study The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) stipulates that facial recognition services are different less believable for people of color.

Besides the fact that facial recognition can block internet access For different groups of people with facial differences or asymmetries, facial data collection poses several risks in terms of identity protection. It is good face print just as “sensitive”. fingerprintsaid the civil liberties group Brother’s Watch.

Another possible solution to test is Age verification based on user activity. This system is already used by platforms such as Facebook and TikTok; Using artificial intelligence, it’s about determining via “activity” if the user is under thirteen.

For now, the system is limited to look for comments that users “give in”. as ineligible to have an account from the application. Using this method on a larger scale would require permanent monitoring of everyone’s activities. Besides that, there is no guarantee of optimal operation of the system.

Olivier Blazya professor at the Ecole Polytechnique in France, developed a temporary tokens, sent to third parties to provide access to internet usage requests. The aim is to ensure safe access to underage users through adult consent without disclosing information from anyone. Even in the face of this complex system, creators realized that it could be circumvented by using a virtual private network (VPN).

For defenders of privacy and civil liberties, no verification system proposed so far are ideal, as they promote “surveillance system” that violates privacy. Different bills issued between 2022 and 2023 will result in a way of browsing the internet that can exclude different groups of people.

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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