place names with the article: “England”, better than “England”

With toponyms that starts with a word indicates a type of political division (country, country…) or the form of political organization (kingdom, republic…) is recommended use of the article: Englishbetter than great Britain.

Even so, phrases appear in the media that omit the determinant: “The UK will hold elections on July 4”, “The economic activity of the Dominican Republic expands during the month of April” or “Microsoft closes a technology agreement with the United Arab Emirates ».

It is recommended to use definite determiners appropriate to toponyms that include terms referring to the form of division or political organization. In the case of United States of America is an exceptionbecause it is it would be equally appropriate to discard the article: The United States is coming, The United States is coming.

Likewise, as stated by Spanish spellinguse articles are optional with other place namesas (Argentina, (Peru, (Canada, (China, (the) Senegalese, (in) Africa

The article is not part of the title not typical of the previous example, so It is best written in lower case. On the other hand, written in capital letters in Cairo, Mecca, Peace, Valletta, Savioretc., because it is part of the name.

Therefore, in the example at the beginning, the most appropriate thing would be to write “The UK will hold elections on July 4”, “The Dominican Republic’s economic activity grew during April” and “Microsoft closed a technology agreement with the United Arab Emirates”.

See also

toponyms and demonyms (categories)

Elena Eland

"Web specialist. Incurable twitteraholic. Explorer. Organizer. Internet nerd. Avid student."

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