Spain, along with Belgium and Ireland, are the only European countries where corporate payment delays did not decrease between the second and third quarters of 2022, according to the ‘Study of the behavior of corporate payments in Europe’, produced by Informa D&B.
In particular, the average delay of Spanish companies has grown from 14.24 days in the second quarter to 14.45 days in the third. Despite this, Spain’s waiting time has decreased by 0.72 days compared to the same quarter of 2021, which was 15.17 days.
In contrast, the average late payment by European companies fell to 12.61 days in the third quarter of 2022, hitting the lowest figure since early 2018. In this quarter, delays fell by 0.07 days on average compared to the second quarter. , on standing at 12.68 days. It also cut 1.22 days compared to last year’s average of 13.83 days.
Informa D&B, which has taken into account nine countries in its study (Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and the United Kingdom), shows that the average late payment in Europe grew throughout 2020 but began to decline in next and it’s been the seventh straight quarter with widespread declines in nearly all countries.
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