The super radar that Great Britain has installed on its roads, and which has been criticized for certain annoying features.
The safety of our roads is very important, and that is why various agencies do not hesitate to install security cameras or radars to hunt down violators.
And now, in England, have installed the first 4D speed radar with artificial intelligence, and because of its advanced features, it has been criticized by nature, being able to see the inside of a car from a very long distance.
Thanks for this Radarthe traffic agent will be able to tell if traffic rules are not being followed in the vehicle, such as using a cell phone while driving, not wearing seat belts, or if there are too many people inside.
To see inside the vehicle, this radar They have 4D technology and high resolution cameras.
Redspeed International
This radar from the company Redspeed International can also be linked to a police database to verify whether the vehicle has insurance or unpaid fines.
The radar is capable of monitoring up to six lanes of traffic and can even cooperate with other units to check the average speed of all cars.
The radar is also powered by solar energy, so it can work 24 hours a day on very little energy.
Highly criticized super radar
However, it has received a lot of criticism. However, Brian Gregoryof the British Drivers Alliance, noted that “it is clear that the empty guarantee given to the automotive community regarding exclusive use speed to prevent accidents is always a total joke. The goal is actually to maximize your fundraising potential.”.
The first radar has been installed on the busy A23 in Lambeth, south London, which runs between the capital and Brighton.
“By aggregating several key compliance applications and having AI at its core, Redspeed Sentio has the built-in modular flexibility, capacity, and scalability to meet almost any challenge of the future.”, commented Redspeed International.
Besides that, Nick Freemanan attorney specializing in auto crimes, pointed out that “as drivers, we are all easy prey. This may be a step too far. It could help alleviate the shortage of police on our roads. But we will always be lacking something when we lack that human element.”.
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