The first case of Brexit psychosis is described in the UK

Brexit can be stressful for everyone, and for some, it can affect their health. (Illustration photo: Alastair Grant / AP / NTB scanpix)

Doctors in Britain have described the first case of short-term psychosis triggered by the country’s exit from the EU Telegraph. The patient was a man in his 40s, and the issue arose shortly after the referendum in 2016.

According to an article in the British Medical Journal, the man became concerned about racially motivated incidents, and he was embarrassed to be British.

– He has problems accepting political events around him and that he comes from a constituency that does not reflect his views. He had trouble sleeping and his wife said he started sharing his thoughts more on social media after the referendum, said Dr Muhammed Zia Ul Haq Katshu. He cared for a man admitted to a psychiatric clinic. He said the patient tried to dig the floor with his hands to escape.

Another doctor pointed out in his article that political events can be a major stress factor.

The man was diagnosed with an acute schizophrenia-like psychotic condition, and is believed to be the first case of a similar condition triggered by Brexit. His mental health deteriorated rapidly, but after a brief hospitalization and treatment with medication, he fully recovered. Since then, he hasn’t had any problems.

According to the article, he had experienced a similar episode related to work-related stress 13 years ago.

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Sheila Vega

"Social media guru. Total beer fanatic. Tv ninja. Typical coffee fan. Amateur entrepreneur. Unapologetic food scholar."

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