The government ratified at the United Nations Argentina’s rights to the Malvinas Islands

The Secretary of the Malvinas, Antarctica and South Atlantic, Guillermo Carmona, today reaffirmed the “right of Argentina” over the Malvinas Islands and “reaffirmed the strong will of the national Government” to “find a peaceful solution” to the conflict with the United Kingdom, while rejecting “unilateral activity” England” in the region.

Carmona rejected, for example, the deployment to the islands of a group of soldiers from the so-called “Kosovo Security Force” – sent under the argument of participating in “peacekeeping” in the area -, which he described as “new England”. provocation” and “unprovoked show of force”.

Carmona made this statement in a meeting he held with members of the Special Committee on Decolonization (C-24) table at the United Nations (UN) headquarters.

Meanwhile, these officials “reaffirmed their commitment to the full implementation of the relevant resolutions of the Special Committee on Decolonization and the General Assembly in relation to the issue of the Malvinas Islands,” it highlighted.

Through Carmona, the Government “participated in the meeting in its capacity as a partner in the sovereignty dispute with the United Kingdom in relation to the issue of the Malvinas Islands, one of the 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories under the jurisdiction of the Special Committee”, the Foreign Ministry reported in a statement.

In his presentation, Carmona “reaffirmed Argentina’s rights to the Malvinas, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, and the maritime space surrounding them.”

And in this context “he reiterated the strong desire of the Government of Argentina to find an amicable solution to the controversy with Great Britain, respecting the way of life and the interests of the Islanders.”

He also warned of “the importance of the Secretary-General of the United Nations renewing his efforts regarding the goodwill mission entrusted to him by the General Assembly 40 years ago so that the two governments continue negotiations.”

Carmona conveyed to members of the roundtable “concerns over the UK’s continued unilateral activity in the South Atlantic” and warned that they were “contrary to the provisions of General Assembly resolution 31/49 which required both parties to abstain from introducing unilateral modifications in the provisional situation of the negotiating process recommended by the Assembly is awaiting a solution”.

As such, he expressed the national government’s rejection of “the UK’s military presence in the South Atlantic and, in this context, expressed its concern over the recent deployment to member Islands of the so-called ‘Kosovo Security Force'”.

Carmona warned, the Foreign Office said, that “these new British provocations constitute an unjustified show of force and willfully deviate from the calls for General Assembly resolutions and statements of other international forums.”

Regarding the exploitation and exploration of renewable and non-renewable natural resources, the official “warns of the looting suffered by the entire Argentine people as a result of unilaterally granting fishing companies illegal permits to extract fish resources equivalent to hundreds of millions of dollars,” he said.

The meeting ended “with fruitful exchanges with the table members, who reaffirmed their commitment to the full implementation of the relevant resolutions of the Special Committee on Decolonization and the General Assembly in relation to the Malvinas Islands issue,” the statement said. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. .

He added that these officials “showed an interest in studying the efforts of the Argentine government to comply with the international community’s mandate to end the anachronistic colonial situation of the Malvinas Islands through a diplomatic solution with the United Kingdom.”

It was also reported that Carmona “will hold a series of meetings with representatives of other member countries and officials of the United Nations Secretariat to consolidate broad international support for a peaceful solution to the Malvinas Islands issue.” (submerged)

Elena Eland

"Web specialist. Incurable twitteraholic. Explorer. Organizer. Internet nerd. Avid student."

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