Guadalajara, Jalisco/20 May 2022.- According to information from the WHO, the monkeypox cases reported in the UK are the West African variant, which is the least serious.
To date, two variants have been found. One, West Africa, which has a 1% mortality rate. Another, from the Congo Basin (Central Africa) with a mortality rate of 10%.
Based on currently available information, the infection appears to have been acquired locally in the UK. The extent of local transmission is unclear at this time and there is potential to identify more cases.
WHO does not recommend restricting travel to or trade with the UK, and continues to closely monitor the rapidly evolving situation.
The organization expects more cases to appear in more countries. Currently, Spain, Portugal and the United States have confirmed cases and they are being investigated in Canada, Italy and Sweden.
The disease is spread through exposure to fluids such as saliva and contact with infected skin lesions or contaminated material.
A health worker in a laboratory at the National Center for Laboratory and Epidemiology, in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic.
Historically, the smallpox vaccine has been shown to protect against monkeypox, but very few people in the world under the age of 40 or 50 have received it because smallpox has almost been eradicated. Although vaccines and specific treatments for monkeypox have been approved, in 2019 and 2022 respectively, they are not yet widely available.
(With information from UN News)
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