The only clinic in England treating gender non-conforming minors is to close


Instead, state health care systems will create more local treatment centers with a broader treatment perspective.

The British clinic Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust has monopolized the treatment of gender non-conforming minors in the UK for more than 30 years, but will close in the spring of 2023. This became clear after an independent committee criticized the clinic’s treatment. offers and methods.

The committee, chaired by Dr Hilary Cass, believes that the clinic needs change and that the current model of care puts young people “at significant risk” of poor mental health and distress, and that having one clinic “is not a viable long-term solution.” safe and proper. choice of time period”. Evaluation of the clinic is still ongoing, and a final report is expected in 2023. However, the UK’s NHS (National Health Service) is taking action.

The clinic, called the Gender and Identity Development Service (GIDS), has been widely mentioned in the British media in recent years, partly due to the demands of former patient Kiera Bell who received treatment there when she was identified as a boy at the age of 16. Bell received puberty blockers and started gender confirmation treatment, but later regretted the decision and now lives as a woman – the same gender she was born with. He argued that the clinic should have given him more resistance when he was a patient there. A year after starting puberty blockers, Bell received testosterone injections. When she was 20 years old, both breasts were removed.

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Sheila Vega

"Social media guru. Total beer fanatic. Tv ninja. Typical coffee fan. Amateur entrepreneur. Unapologetic food scholar."

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