R.great Britain will be going to the polls on May 4th, to vote in a terrifying municipal election Conservative party. He Brexit and the consequences have left story more divided than ever, with the party disintegrating into smaller factions while losing the confidence of British voters.
According to the agency’s latest survey YouGovonly 26% of the population will choose to choose conservative in the municipality, whereas labor will achieve a parliamentary majority with 46% of the vote. Even worse are the numbers that answer the question: Who would you vote for if the general election were held tomorrow? Conservative they would lose with a meager 17% support. and their rivals from Labor Party they would win with 31% of the vote.
This is the result of a long losing streak for story. His management of the pandemic left a lot to be desired and a personal failure Boris Johnsonwhich led to his resignation in July 2022, dragging down the reputation of the DPR Conservative party by land. Mismanagement of the replacement also did not help Liz Trussthat within 44 days of him taking office sank the British economyas well as the long series of scandals committed by party members.
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak received the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen in London
But the biggest problem encountered Conservative party is your sharp internal divisionthat emerged from Brexit And it doesn’t stop getting worse. Currently, the party members were facing constant strife between them and they could not agree on the political direction the British Government was now in hand Sunak Receipt. These are the different groups into which the party is divided and exert strong internal pressure.
‘Brexite’ rights
The members of this group are led by the former president of parliament Mark Harper and former Secretary of State for Brexit, Steve Bakerare the people who are going against health regulations during the coronavirus pandemic and that is why the restrictions English less than other areas in great Britain.
Also part of a faction a group dedicated to waging a cultural battlenamed ‘Common Sense Group‘ and led by MPs john hayes. It is an association facing such a movement Black Lives Matter and environmental activism Extinction Rebellion.
Boris Johnson fan club
Despite their lies, the scandal of party gateand the fines he received while he was reigning, one-third of the members Conservative party miss leadership Boris Johnson, and there are many MPs story still asking for it back.
Among them is the former Secretary of Culture, Nadine Dorrieswho considers Johnson “one of the best leaders in the world” and “don’t understand” the party’s decision to remove him.
Rishi Sunak’s ally
Named by a newspaper Telegraph as ‘Sunak People’this is the conservative group that supports Sunak Receipt in the internal elections of 2022. They like it most of all your security regarding economic laws and taxesa stark contrast to the economic disaster it resulted in Liz Truss.
Sunak It has several heavyweights as allies: Dominic RaabDeputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Justice great Britain (despite accusations of intimidation by its employees), and Oliver DowdenChancellor of the Duchy Lancaster. After becoming prime minister last October, Sunak Receipt He knew how to reward his people with good positions in the cabinet.
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