Train delays in Oslo for the rest of the week – mistake won’t be corrected until Saturday evening
Photo: Håkon Kvam Lyngstad / TV 2
The bug fix on the track switch between Skøyen and Oslo S won’t be fixed until the weekend. Thus, the main problem with the train continued throughout the work week.
The reason, failure of the track switch means it must be replaced. This is work that must be done at night, press guard Harry Korslund told NTB.
The hope was to have it done by Thursday night, but now it’s been postponed to Saturday night.
– Temporary improvements to the railroads were considered, but this would require a reduction in driving speed and therefore would not provide a better offer to rail passengers. Because of this, we will continue to run rail traffic as today, including Friday, wrote Bane Nor in a press release.
A new forecast for repairs was set for Saturday April 15th at 2pm.
The glitch meant that trains in Oslo only had three tracks, whereas trains can normally run on four in Oslo’s central region.
The following train lines are affected:
R14: Questioner – Oslo S – Kongsvinger – (Charlottenberg)
FLY1: Drammen – Oslo Airport, Flytoget
RE10: Drammen – Oslo S – Lillestrom – Oslo Airport – Lillehammer
R13: Drammen – Oslo S – Dal
R12: Kongsberg – Oslo S – Eidsvoll
F4: Oslo S – Bergen
F5: Oslo S – Kristiansand – Stavanger S, Sørlandsbanen
RE11: Skien – Oslo S – Eidsvoll, Vestfold Railway
L1: Spikkestad – Questioner – Oslo S – Lillestrøm
FLY2: Stabekk – Oslo Airport, Flytoget
L2: Stabekk – Oslo S – Ski
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