UN asks UK to reconsider expelling migrants – DW – 04/23/2024

That UN This Tuesday (23/4/2024) asked the UK to “reconsider its plans” to expel migrants to Rwanda, after the British Parliament approved the controversial bill which allows measurement.

The director of the UN refugee agency, Filippo Grandi, and the human rights body, Volker Turk, called on the British Government to “take practical steps to address the irregular flow of refugees and migrants, based on international cooperation and respect for international humanity.” law of rights.”

Meanwhile, the Council of Europe’s Human Rights Commissioner, Michael O’Flaherty, joined the UN request, asking the UK not to deport migrants to Rwanda, as permitted by the new law, which he said was unlawful. independence of the Judiciary and various international agreements signed by London.

“The UK government must refrain from removing people and must reverse the effective violation of the independence of justice contained in this law,” O’Flaherty said in a statement issued this Tuesday.

O’Flaherty explains that though new agreement with Rwanda including certain provisions to prevent expulsion to countries of origin, the Supreme Court has emphasized that affected persons must be guaranteed “the possibility of seeking independent judicial control” to determine that the country to which they are sent is considered “safe”.

The problem, they argue, is that a law passed Monday to Tuesday night by the British Parliament prevents them from having recourse in British courts because they are not allowed to analyze any allegations that Rwanda cannot act on. in accordance with bilateral agreements, violates the rights of refugees protected by the UN and international agreements.

(afp, efe, Reuters/mn)

Elena Eland

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