“US Charlie warning could influence elections in France or the UK.” Zelaia

Charlie’s warning from the US could influence elections in France or the UK. Zelaia

Adrian Zelaia, president of Ekai Group, stated that “the Charlie warning from the US could decide the elections in France or the UK” however, he stressed that this is a speculative situation because the data that led the Biden administration to implement it is unknown. Furthermore, he believes that “in France they are thinking about the risk of an attack before the Olympics” that could affect the elections or new candidates.

Miguel Ángel Temprano, an expert in geopolitics and geoeconomics, stated that “one thing is what they tell you and another thing is reality” because the secret services will not report information that has reached them and that is what produced this answer. . However, he emphasized that the terrorists had achieved success, because even though their backgrounds were unknown, they succeeded in getting people to talk about them.

José Luis Orella, professor of contemporary history at CEU San Pablo University, highlighted that “the Olympic Games always trigger special security measures” because it is the perfect spectrum for this type of armed groups to carry out actions that can lead them to achieve significant impact. At the same time, he stated that “the problem is that organized groups that have intelligence services can have a greater impact.”

Roderick Gilbert

"Entrepreneur. Internet fanatic. Certified zombie scholar. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon expert."

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