Camilla Parker Bowles She debuted as empress of Great Britain with her first mistake, one that neither analysts nor citizens can explain.
At the most difficult time for the countrywith the Conservative Party struggling to stabilize the Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street,
queen camilla go on vacation to India. Without Carlos III and for a vacation that will last ten days. No one explained it.
Obviously, the political situation in the country does not allow King Carlos III to accompany
Empress Camilla, because on the first day of his holiday he had to receive the new prime minister, Rishi Sunak, at Buckingham Palace. Meanwhile, Camilla Parker-Bowles (75 years old) flew to Bangalore, where she is
Royal couple’s favorite holistic health resort. They visited him two years ago.
Camilla from England has started her first holiday as queen without Charles III, just as dear as she is
health therapy, but with many friends. The trip may have been scheduled before Elizabeth II’s death, which is why Camilla of England decided to continue without her husband, the king. Even so, the scandal was capitalized.
The then Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall visited the Soukya Center in 2019, on the occasion of the King’s 71st birthday. /
Did Empress Camilla need extra rest, after the hustle and bustle?
disgusted by the death of Elizabeth II and the following days accommodation in their new residence and function? Could. However, it seems that the Soukya center where he is already enjoying his vacations specializes in rejuvenating therapy.
Camilla from Cornwall: her most elegant look
Was Camilla worried about looking like an aging queen? It seems that the treatment you will receive will not only positively affect your health and prevent disease, but also rejuvenate you. And, without a doubt, all cameras will be paying close attention to Camilla from now on at the top
his coronation, next May 6, 2023.
One of the bungalows at Bangalore Wellness Center, Queen Camilla’s favourite. /
Soukya Center is a green paradise where you can practice meditation and yoga and receive
holistic therapy, ayurveda, homeopathy and, in general, traditional and natural. It seems that Carlos III and Queen Camilla benefited greatly from all this when they visited the center, on the occasion of the king’s 71st birthday.
At that time, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall volunteered to promote traditional and homeopathic therapies, according to knowledge
strongly questioned by the scientific community (especially homeopathy). Now, the ‘Times of India’ newspaper confirmed that “there have been instructions not to disclose his travels and no public action is scheduled.”
Interior of one of the central halls of the Soukya in Bangalore (India). /
Thanks to ‘Times of India’, we know more about Queen Camilla’s special relationship with this place. He discovered it in 2010 and, since then, has made at least a dozen visits to the center. In fact, the room she shared with King Carlos in 2019
it’s a birthday present. Since then, they have followed the guidance of Dr. Isaac Mathai, founder and president of Soukya.
British royals aren’t the only famous Britons who stop by Bangalore for therapy at the Soukya centre.
Another great fan is actress Emma Thompsonwho do not hesitate to pay around 850 euros per night to receive naturotherapy, acupuncture or reflexology treatments, to release toxins from the body and purify the immune system.
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